Hotel Ranking Criteria

96 Hotels + 2282 Reviews = Hotel Rankings

We prepared this page to give you insight on how we calculate hotel ratings and rankings.

Firstly, we want to emphasize that we do everything we can to protect our hotel reviews from fraudulent submissions that affect ratings and rankings.

Hotel Review Elements
There are 5 ratings in every hotel review:

  1. Value
  2. Rooms
  3. Location
  4. Staff
  5. Cleanliness

All these 5 ratings are scored from 1 to 5 by the reviewer.

The review score is calculated by taking the average of these 5 ratings.

Example - Review Score Calculation
Value - Score 4 out of 5
Rooms - Score 3 out of 5
Location - Score 2 out of 5
Staff - Score 3 out of 5
Cleanliness - Score 4 out of 5

The review score will be: (4+3+2+3+4) divided by 5 = 16 / 5 = 3.20

Score of 3.20 will be shown as

Score Graphic Representation
Score Between Graphic
4.51 - 5.00
4.01 - 4.50
3.51 - 4.00
3.01 - 3.50
2.51 - 3.00
2.01 - 2.50
1.51 - 2.00
1.00 - 1.50

Calculating Hotel Score
The hotel score is calculated by taking the average of all review scores for that hotel.

Example - Hotel Score Calculation
Review 1 Score - 3.20
Review 2 Score - 4.25
Review 3 Score - 3.80
Review 4 Score - 4.50

The hotel score will be: (3.20+4.25+3.80+4.50) divided by 4 = 15.75 / 4 = 3.94

Calculating Hotel Rankings
Once all hotel scores are calculated, the rankings are assigned from 1 to 96.

Note about Top 10 Hotels on Homepage
To make it look more logical and easier to understand, the scores shown on the homepage are actual hotel scores multiplied by two. So, instead of showing "Score: 4.50", we show "Score: 9.00".
Also note that the scores shown are rounded to one decimal point.

We think that rankings for hotels with few reviews are not very reliable.
New comer hotels can easily rank in top 10 by getting their first review good.
To prevent hotels with few reviews to rank in top 10, we decided to deduct points from their overall score as follows:
Hotels with less than 10 reviews - Deduct 1.0 point (out of 10.0)
Hotels with less than 5 reviews - Deduct 2.0 points (out of 10.0)
Of course, once a hotel reaches 10 reviews, there is no deduction.